To apply for a loan, you will have to provide the lender with detailed documentation of your financial history. The lender will request a credit report from a credit agency and will verify the information provided in your loan application. While the pre-approval may only require verbal documentation, be prepared to provide the following written documentation for final loan approval:
- Social Security numbers and driver's license for both you and any co-borrowers
- Copies of checking and savings accounts statements for the past two months
- Evidence of any other assets such as bonds, stocks, or money saved in retirement programs (i.e. 401k or 403b program)
- Recent paycheck stubs
- W-2 withholding forms, or income tax returns for the past two years to verify your income and proof of employment
- The name and address of someone who can verify your employment
- Verification of any fixed income such as social security, retirement, child support
- Residence history for the past two years
- Sales contract for the purchase of a new home / land
- Homeowner's association information if property is a condo or part of a homeowner's association
- Copy of DD214 form if applying for VA financing